I’m honored to have been invited by The Stranger and Glazer’s Camera to host a workshop at their upcoming PhotoFest. Lisa Cooper and I will be hosting Workshop to Elevate your iPhone Video Skills on June 8 from noon-1pm. Here’s the description:
We all have a story to tell, and most of us already possess the basic technologies to help tell it. In this one-hour workshop you’ll learn how to take your DIY video skills to the next level with Filmicpro, an app that delivers three simple yet powerful controls to the iphone and costs less than a macciato. Bring your phone and your voice, leave with the tools and knowledge to elevate your novice narrative to a polished finish.
The workshop’s free, and there will be lots of other events happening throughout the day, including other workshops. Topics include:
Using Camera Stabilization Platforms to Shoot Better Video with Steve Ostrander
How to Create Better Landscape Photography with Jeff Allen
Shooting Video on Your DSLR Camera with Mark Toal
Travel Photography Gear, Lighting and Grip w/ Dean Zulich
I think this form of visual communication is where we are heading…and quickly.