Yesterday afternoon, as my small crew and I calculated how much money and time separated us from our Kickstarter campaign fundraising goal, one thing became strikingly clear: it was time for action. Facebook posts weren’t going to get the job done alone. So my crew decided that it was time for their director to hit the streets.
This made me deeply uncomfortable. I’d rather ride naked in front of 100,000 people than beg for money. But my crew was insistent: you have to do something. So I picked up the sign they made for me, and hit the street on the same spot where, in a few days, hundreds of naked cyclists will be riding.
Out there, I felt naked. Beyond naked. Which, as I think about it, I’m glad I got to experience. After all, this is a film about four people willing to push themselves beyond their comfort zone.
So today, with 60 hours remaining in our campaign, I’m asking you to join me in the uncomfortable space that remains and help me close the gap. We are nearly 80 percent of the way there! We can totally do this, and make a film that all of us will be proud to say “I helped fund that film.”