Beyond Naked is now available to watch instantly. We picked Vimeo to be our first distribution partner, and that means you can now view it on any compatible device — including your TV in full HD via Apple TV, Samsung smart TVs, Roku, Xbox, and more.
Further, the film’s introductory price of $9.99 includes ability to download the file and watch it any time you like for as long as you like. After June 21, we will be removing the file download option, and it will be available for streaming only.
As a filmmaker, Vimeo is a compelling option. The quality blows doors off YouTube. All of the most common options you would want control over are at your fingertips. And the deal is impossible to beat: 90 percent of all sales go directly into the filmmaker’s paypal account.
Here’s my request to you, Beyond Naked fans: please rate and take the time to post a one or two sentence review of the film. This will go a long way toward helping the film rise toward visibility and help it find its audience. Thank you!